
Monthly Monday Mushroom Meeting with Pat Nolan! ++

Hello Myco friends!

After a wonderfully successful and record-breakingly busy Mushroom Fair full of fun, friends and fungi, we have strengthened our community mycelial network!

We are delighted to follow up with our own Pat Nolan who will speak this Monday, March 7th, on Mycology and Plant Pathology. The presentation will be in-person in room 101 and please note to bring a mask as it is a required policy for Balboa Park indoors.

Also, if you should find specimens over the weekend, please bring in for ID.
Looking forward to seeing you next Monday!
Mush love,

The post Monthly Monday Mushroom Meeting with Pat Nolan! ++ first appeared on San Diego Mycological Society.

The post Monthly Monday Mushroom Meeting with Pat Nolan! ++ appeared first on San Diego Mycological Society.

Fungus Fair Speakers!

Hello Myco amigos!

Here is a list of our amazing speakers for this Sunday at our 2022 Fungus Fair!

Please remember:::

  • Foray on Saturday to bring in specimens to our ID table for the fair. Try to fill out a specimen list if at all possible.
  • Tell your friends about the Mushroom Fair.
  • Make sure to check our social media as we are able to share more content on those platforms!
  • Come have fun and ready to support our local vendors!

Excited to see you on Sunday!









The post Fungus Fair Speakers! first appeared on San Diego Mycological Society.

The post Fungus Fair Speakers! appeared first on San Diego Mycological Society.

Mushroom Fair call for volunteers! Plus, Speakers and Foray lists 🍄

Hello fellow Myco friends!!

Just a reminder to join us on Sunday, February 27, 2022 for our favorite event of the year, the San Diego Mycological Society Mushroom Fair!

This is our official call out for volunteers that can help us make this event a success. We both appreciate and cannot do this without you!

Thanks in advance for your help!!


Here is our speaker list for this year’s Fungus Fair. You are sure to not want to miss them!


Also, although the conditions were dry and warm, we were able to have a successful second foray at Los Peñasquitos Canyon on Sunday, February 6h, 2022 with our new friend and speaker for our February monthly meeting, Noah Siegel. Here is the species list for that day as well as our group photo.

May today’s rain bring with it the fruits of love of the mycological kingdom!

Mush love,


The post Mushroom Fair call for volunteers! Plus, Speakers and Foray lists 🍄 first appeared on San Diego Mycological Society.

The post Mushroom Fair call for volunteers! Plus, Speakers and Foray lists 🍄 appeared first on San Diego Mycological Society.

Zoom – Member Only Meeting Tonight

Hello Mycophiles,

Tonight’s Monthly Monday Mushroom meeting will be held virtually for members only.

In-person participation at the meeting will not be allowed on this occasion, but we look forward to resuming soon.

We appreciate your patience and understanding. – SDMYCO

P.S.  If you would like to join as a member, please visit our membership page HERE.

The post Zoom – Member Only Meeting Tonight first appeared on San Diego Mycological Society.

The post Zoom – Member Only Meeting Tonight appeared first on San Diego Mycological Society.

Upcoming Monthly Monday Mushroom Meeting with Noah Siegel – February 7th @ 6:30pm

Hello Myco friends!

Here is some info for our upcoming Monthly Monday Mushroom Meeting.

Stay healthy!


The post Upcoming Monthly Monday Mushroom Meeting with Noah Siegel – February 7th @ 6:30pm first appeared on San Diego Mycological Society.

The post Upcoming Monthly Monday Mushroom Meeting with Noah Siegel – February 7th @ 6:30pm appeared first on San Diego Mycological Society.

First Foray of 2022, Dulzura

Hello Myco friends!

We held our first foray of the year this past sunny Sunday, where we explored a wonderful 40 acre property complete with an oak path creek, boulders and plenty of shade to satisfy any range of myco-enthusiast with the curiosity to explore.

Here are our proud  group photo for the day, a photo of some of the day’s finds, and the foray species list.

If you would like to see past foray species lists, please visit our Species List & Archive page here.


Thank you to all who came out to our first (and successful) foray of 2022.

Keep doing your rain dances!!


With our new team, we are now able to have a better presence on several platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Meetup and Youtube. Thank you for connecting with us on any of your preferred media and keep tuning in to

We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on the first Monday of the month as well as the upcoming Fungus Fair on February 27!!!


May the Mush be with You,












The post First Foray of 2022, Dulzura first appeared on San Diego Mycological Society.

The post First Foray of 2022, Dulzura appeared first on San Diego Mycological Society.

Get Ready to Foray!! Foray Tips for the Mushroom Explorer

Hello Myco-Explorers!

Here are some tips to help you get ready to go out and explore the mycological landscape.

Happy fungi hunting!


The post Get Ready to Foray!! Foray Tips for the Mushroom Explorer first appeared on San Diego Mycological Society.

The post Get Ready to Foray!! Foray Tips for the Mushroom Explorer appeared first on San Diego Mycological Society.

Sunday Foray! Join today!

Hello Myco friends!!

Please look out for details in our
membership email blast.
Keep Rain Dancing

Remember that SDMS has printable voucher slips
(with instructions on what to write down) on our website here:
Since this foray is for members only, there’s never been a better time to become a member!
Join the San Diego Mycological Society today! More on our website at this link.
See you Sunday!
Mush Love,
San Diego Mycological Society

The post Sunday Foray! Join today! first appeared on San Diego Mycological Society.

The post Sunday Foray! Join today! appeared first on San Diego Mycological Society.