It’s citizen science season and we’re in the thick of it!
First off, welcome new users! If you found us from the latest SciStarter campaign, feel free ping us on twitter to let us know so we can pass our thanks to the @SciStarter team! We’re very excited to be featured as part of SciStarter’s recent focus/feature on biomedical citizen science! Note, if you complete your SciStarter profile this month, the SciStarter team will send you a free digital copy of The Rightful Place of Science: Citizen Science. See their post for more details
Citizen science has enormous potential, and we’re glad that Mark2Curators are helping us explore its application towards biomedical discovery.
As mentioned last week, we’re not the only ones who need your help for dealing with the biomedical literature. Cochrane Crowd is reaching its first anniversary in joining this domain of citizen science, and we’re celebrating together! We will be jointly hosting a webinar on May 8th and there will be two 24hr screening challenges. There will be prizes for the top three contributors who take part in both the Cochrane Crowd and Mark2Cure screening challenges. Here are the details:
Mark2Cure/Cochrane Crowd Webinar:
Date/Time: May 08, 2017, 9:00am – 10:00am PDT
Tentative agenda:
- Intro (5 minutes)
- Mark2Cure presentation (15 mins)
- Cochrane Crowd presentation (15 mins)
- MedLit Blitz (5 minutes)
- Audience Q&A (15-20 mins)
Interested in participating in the webinar? You’ll need to register first! Hurry, space is limited (due to limitations/licensing restrictions) of the webinar software. Register here
Medlit Blitz (2 x 24 hr screening challenges):
Cochrane Challenge: Help Cochrane Crowd identify studies that provide the best possible evidence of the effectiveness of a health treatment. Once identified by the Crowd the studies go into a central register where health researchers and practitioners can access them. The more studies identified by the Crowd, the more high-quality evidence is available to help health practitioners treat their clients.
Challenge Start: May 9th, 2017 10am GMT + 1 (UK time zone) / 2am (PDT)
Challenge Finish: May 10th, 2017 10am GMT + 1 (UK time zone) / 2am (PDT)
Mark2Curathon: Join the search for clues on a rare disease by identifying genes, diseases, drugs, and the relationships between these based on literature surrounding the NGLY1.
Challenge Start: May 11th, 2017 7pm GMT + 1 (UK time zone) / 11am (PDT)
Challenge Finish: May 12th, 2017 7pm GMT + 1 (UK time zone) / 11am (PDT)
Get ready to use your reading skills to make a difference in biomedical science and health!!!